Chemical Peels (mild, moderate, aggressive)
Rahil Khan, M.D.
Estrella Aesthetics & Surgical Arts
Corona, California
Renew Your Beauty with JC Diamond Peel!
Since skin is such a delicate part of your body and withstands a great deal of wear and tare, it tends to show the most signs of aging and damage. Skin cells often become hyper pigmented or dehydrated, which can leave your face looking wrinkled and tired. There are many solutions that claim to rejuvenate your skin and leave it looking fresh, but few show actual results. However, as skin care advances every day, there are more options available that have proven success. Chemical peels are quickly becoming the new method of improving your skin to leave you feel refreshed. Chemical peels are effective at improving your skin’s texture and appearance, as well as removing any hyper pigmentation or facial wrinkles. They have been around for quite a long time, but have improved vastly to create smoother, more beautiful in a shorter time frame, and with more ease. Chemical peels offer fast results, so you almost instantly feel that your skin is renewed.

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Benefits of Chemical Peels:
Chemical peels, as the name suggests, use a chemical solution to help improve your skin, and reinvigorate the skin cells to even out your skin texture. It does this by removing the damaged outer layers of your skin, where the dead skin cells often build up. A combination of phenol, trichloroacetic acid, and alphahydroxy acids are used, and they work effectively to help chemically alter your skin’s appearance. Chemical peels are recommended for those that have facial blemishes, wrinkles or uneven skin pigmentation. However, they have also been used to remove benign skin growths, acne scars, and it is sometimes used to help treat and control acne in those who deal with aggressive acne. While it is sometimes used in these ways, the most common is simply for cosmetic reasons, and the boosting of self confidence.