Estrella Aesthetics shares some simple skin health strategies
Judi Castro, RN, MEP-C, CAC
Estrella Aesthetics & Surgical Arts
Corona, California
While there are many things individuals can do to begin or continue leading fulfilling lives marked by wellness, caring for skin health and mental health is particularly important. Unfortunately, many people neglect these crucial aspects of their well-being and subsequently find themselves subjected to a lackluster physical experience and long-standing feelings of mental anxiety or freneticism. Luckily, there are many strategies that individuals can implement to get and remain on track to maintaining optimal skin and mental health. Here are four of them:
Skin Health 101
Here are some simple skin health strategies that will keep you on track to loving the way you look:
1. Use The Right Products.
We’re all different in multiple ways, and one point of divergence from individual to individual is skin type and quality. Just as the one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work when we’re selecting clothes, we should never use this approach when choosing skin products. In fact, key issues such as whether you have dry, oily, or combination skin should be taken into consideration when you start your search for cleansers, masks, moisturizers, etc. In most cases, beauty products are specifically designed for certain skin types, and they work most effectively when they are used this way. If you don’t know what your skin type is, you can have a dermatologist tell you or utilize an online questionnaire or article to help you figure it out.
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2. Drink Water.
In addition to ensuring that you select the right products, make sure that you are drinking water regularly. Doing so generates the type of internal cleansing that can translate to clearer skin. Additionally, drinking adequate amounts of water is linked to the reduction and/or prevention of wrinkles. With these ideas in mind, it’s important to think about ways that you can work more water into your world. One strategy you can utilize for this purpose is carrying a canteen with you to work and sipping from it throughout the day.
3. Exercise.
If you’re really serious about promoting skin health, get serious about exercise. Exercise contributes to skin health by inducing the perspiration that removes toxins and bacteria from the body. Additionally, exercise increases the flow of blood throughout the body, thereby nourishing your skin cells. The increased blood flow also enhances the body’s ability to rid itself of waste products that might lead to skin complications. There are numerous forms of physical activity that you can engage in to attain these skin-optimizing results, and some of them include kickboxing, pilates, yoga, hiking, weight-lifting, and traditional sports such as basketball and soccer.
4. Cleanse Your Face Thoroughly.
One skin-optimizing strategy that many individuals overlook is cleansing their face thoroughly. This strategy can be particularly important for women who wear make-up and oftentimes fail to wash their foundation and powder off before going to bed. If you commit this error, you’re creating a facial environment in which bacteria and other particles can become trapped in your skin and subsequently cause acne. (Also note that sleeping in your make-up can stain your pillowcases and sheets.) If you find it difficult to take the extra step necessary to wash your face before hitting the hay, consider purchasing make-up remover cleansing towelettes. You can keep the towelettes on your nightstand and wipe your face off with them quickly before going to sleep.
Mental Health 101
While many people are familiar with the concept of mental health, not everyone has the knowledge and experience necessary to facilitate it in their own life. Mental health pertains to our social, psychological, and emotional well-being. Our level of mental health directly impacts the way we act, feel, and think. It can also directly impact how we relate to others, handle stress, and the way we make decisions. Below you’ll find just a few strategies you can implement to facilitate and optimize your mental health:
1. Journal Regularly.
One of the best ways to facilitate mental health is by journaling regularly. Implementing this strategy will provide you with mental clarity, with this factor being directly linked to mental health. When we are in a chaotic or uncertain state of mind, we create a cognitive environment that is conducive to unwanted emotions such as anxiety and fear. By journaling regularly, we can attain clarity regarding what we’re thinking and feeling. Once this happens, we can move forward with a greater degree of certainty and understanding which empowers us to make better decisions.
2. Meditate.
If you’re really serious about optimizing your level of mental health, get serious about meditation. The health and wellness benefits of meditation are so profound that not committing to this mindfulness strategy is truly a tragedy. In addition to bringing down blood pressure, regular meditation is linked to mental clarity and the amelioration of anxiety. There are multiple forms of meditation available to us, and the key to success is finding one that you’ll actually engage in. Some people like guided forms of meditation which involve listening to a gentle voice directing you to contemplate a specific person, place, or thing. Also know that many people find it effective to meditate systematically, such as for 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes before they go to bed.
3. Read.
Another highly effective strategy known to promote mental health is reading. This strategy works for multiple reasons, one of which is that it empowers the mind to think more clearly and complexly. The cognitive growth generated by reading can increase self-confidence while also precluding negative emotions such as frustration that surface in the face of boredom or feelings of stagnation. These days, internet technology makes it easy to read on a wide range of platforms, and many PDF files and ebooks can be perused free of charge.
If you’re serious about attaining holistic mental and physical wellness, know that you can. One great way to get the process underway is by focusing on your corporeal and cognitive well-being. By using some or all of the skin health and mental health strategies outlined above, you can get on track to looking and feeling your best every day!
Check also the 7 steps for your Daytime JC Complete Skin CBD Infused Health Regimen
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