VASER Fat Transfer, Fat Transfer and The Vaser Lipo System, Fat
Transfer Surgery, Facial Fat Transfer, Brazilian Butt Lift, Gluteal
Sculpting, Natural Breast Augmentation, & Hand Rejuvenation
by Dr. Ray Khan at Estrella Aesthetics & Surgical Arts in Corona, Ca.
VASER Fat Transfer
The latest trend in body sculpting is fat transfer. These highly effective procedures allow you to successfully shift unwanted fat removed from one area of your body to more desirable areas. You can now have the shape you’ve always dreamed of by just contouring or volumizing any part of your body. Body fat treated by the VASER Lipo technique is typically higher-quality due to its advanced design, and easier to transfer for these types of procedures.
Have you ever wondered/ if you could take a little from there and put it over here? Now you can, with our Natural Fat Transfer technique. Our skilled technicians use your own natural tissues to increase volume or shape wherever you want it — in your face, your lips, your buttocks or even your breasts. This revolutionary treatment gives you the youthful fullness you’ve always wanted without the negatives of fillers or synthetic materials.
Our staff performs Natural Fat Transfer in conjunction with Micro-Body Contouring. Your doctor will gently remove your own healthy fat using Vaser lipo and then transfer that tissue to the area you want enhanced. This tumescent fluid-assisted tissue removal improves the quality of the fat and ensures we have a higher concentration of stem cells for the transfer, which produces better blood supply and ultimately a more ideal appearance. This less invasive enhancement procedure offers natural looking, longer lasting results, with less risk and no need to return for frequent maintenance. Estrella Aesthetic & Surgical Arts is leading the way in this innovative, new technique.
Essentially, the fat transfer procedure harvests fat from one or more parts of the body where excess fat exists and then places it in another part of the body where the additional bulk is needed. Fat transfer – which is also known as fat grafting, autologous fat transplantation, fat injecting or microlipoinjections is being used in cosmetic plastic surgery to:
- Smooth and repair aged hands
- Fill wrinkled, creased faces
- Create more shapely, curvaceous buttocks
- Enlarge breasts
Fat is withdrawn from the patient in one of three ways: with a syringe that has a large-bore needle or with a liposuction cannula or Vaser lipo. The fat is prepared according to our staff’s preferred method and then injected into the patient’s recipient site. The preparation process clears the donor fat of blood, pain killers and other unwanted ingredients that could cause infections or other undesirable side effects. Human fat outside the body is incredibly delicate and it should be harvested and implanted in a closed environment by avoiding exposure to air.
Other uses and applications continue to develop as surgeons work with, and learn more about, fat transfer. Some of the most current and developing applications include:
- Cheek and chin Implants
- Repair of inverted nipples
- Post radiation therapy scars, adding onto existing implants to minimize rippling
Depending on the patient and several other factors, the body is reported to reabsorb anywhere from 20 to 50% of transferred fat.
In most applications, fat injections are laid down through several different layers of skin and muscle to provide a better chance for the fat cells to find a nearby blood supply. Because some fat is always absorbed, our physician will inject 30% more fat with that in mind. Skin & Beauty has ascertained that the best donor areas are found in:
- The lower stomach
- The inner and outer thighs
- Love handles
- Bra rolls
- The inner knees
Fat transfer to the hand
A wrinkled, bony hand with large veins, sun spots and deep grooves can reveal an advanced age even though the patient’s face, breasts or body have been surgically rejuvenated. The industry has developed techniques to make hands also look younger. A few practitioners from earlier eras used dermal fillers like Restylane, Juvederm and Radiesse but the longer lasting, more advanced method seems to be fat transfer via injection which is reported to last for years.
Facial fat transfer
A liposuction technique is used to harvest the fat and prepare it for transfer. The fat is then injected into the desired portion of the face. When using a micro injection technique, extremely small parcels of fat are placed into multiple layers of the face. The procedure is most commonly performed under local anesthesia with a light oral sedation.
- The most common facial locations for fat transfer include:
- Filling in sunken areas beneath the eyes
- Fleshing out the folds of skin that physicians refer to as nasolabial folds, the deep wrinkles next to the mouth often referred to as “laugh lines.
- Filling in forehead creases
- Cheek Augmentation
Natural Breast Augmentation
For years, women have wondered, “Why can’t you take some fat from down there and put it up here?” Earlier efforts to perform autologous fat transfer to the breast were demonstrated to be highly flawed and unsuccessful due to poor techniques resulting in less than optimal conditions for fat to survive.
New improvements in Stem Cell Breast Augmentation now employ the latest technological advances in fat harvesting, adult stem cell transfers, and breast splinting technology to provide women the exciting option of enlarging their breast(s) by safely using their own fat without the use of un-natural, unreliable implants.
Natural Buttocks Augmentation
Estrella Aesthetics can also enhance the shape of the buttocks by the art of sculpting and transferring the unwanted fat to the desired area.
Natural Buttocks Enhancement is a sophisticated and exciting new technique that allows you to use your own natural fat to lift, shape and augment the buttocks, creating smoother, fuller feminine curves. With Natural Buttocks Enhancement, you’ll see outstanding, long lasting results, with less medical risk and minimum patient downtime.
The most common type of shape-modifying injections to the derriere is the “Brazilian butt lift”, although the procedure is also called fat injections, fat transfer, or fat grafting. It usually consists of a combination of liposuction around the buttocks and many injections of fat into the buttocks. The fat is harvested by liposuction from the patient’s buttocks, abdomen or elsewhere. The fat is processed and purified before it is reinjected. Depending on the amount of augmentation needed, it will take between 350cc-750cc of fat per cheek.
Facial fat transfer
A liposuction technique is used to harvest the fat and prepare it for transfer. The fat is then injected into the desired portion of the face. When using a micro injection technique, extremely small parcels of fat are placed into multiple layers of the face. The procedure is most commonly performed under local anesthesia with a light oral sedation.
- The most common facial locations for fat transfer include:
- Filling in sunken areas beneath the eyes
- Fleshing out the folds of skin that physicians refer to as nasolabial folds, the deep wrinkles next to the mouth often referred to as “laugh lines”.
- Filling in forehead creases
- Cheek Augmentation
Generally, 60% of the transferred fat persists permanently. Although, the long-term efficacy of transferred fat has been documented in numerous studies results are extremely technique dependent.
Fat Transfer Surgery
Fat injection, or fat grafting, reflects broad applications in plastic surgery. Fat may be injected into areas requiring volume-enhancement. It produces safe, long-lasting, and natural-appearing results as volume is replaced to tissues where fat is diminished. At our facilities in Corona, fat grafting usually involves removing the fat from one part of the body such as abdomen, hips or thighs; then purifying it and carefully re-injecting it with specially designed instruments into the areas requiring augmentation.
Fat is harvested with a special liposuction cannula using sterile techniques in the operating room. Once sufficient quantities of fat are removed from the donor area, it is then purified—excess fluid, blood, and other unnecessary components are removed. The fat is then judiciously placed into the areas requiring augmentation such as face, buttocks, or even hands. The injection needle is usually passed carefully in and out of the areas to be augmented a few times. This creates a ‘grid’ of threads of fat graft. The area that was injected may then be massaged by the surgeon to create a soft contour.
After the fat injections, the transferred fat will usually “take” and stay in the area for years to come. Since the fat graft is not a foreign material such as an implant, there is no risk of rejection and very little risk of complications associated with implants such as often reported ruptures or leaks. Swelling is commonly seen after fat injections as a normal condition and usually resolves within 2-3 weeks. The degree of swelling is most dependent on the area injected. Your Estrella Aesthetic fat injection specialist will also instruct you not to sit or lay on the area for a prolonged period of time during the first few weeks. You will also be required to sleep on your side and recommended to sit on soft surfaces or pillows during the first 3 or 4 weeks following a fat grafting surgery.