Renuvion J Plasma
(J Plasty)

Renuvion® Skin Tightening



Used subdermally (under the skin), Renuvion powered by JPlasma® is a pure tightening agent


Estrella Aesthetics is one of the first full service medical aesthetic centers to offer Renuvion in the Inland Empire.


Also known as J Plasma or J Plasty

This innovative procedure tightens and refreshes loose skin without the need for invasive surgery, extended downtime, or large surgical scars. This precision repair is unique because plastic surgeons and other specialists can apply controlled heat to target specific areas for skin tightening.


What makes Renuvion® skin tightening so great?

  • Only one treatment
  • Can be done under local anesthesia
  • Very small incisions
  • Fast recovery time
  • Stimulates collagen from the dermal layer
  • Results continue to improve over 6 weeks to 6 months due to collagen remodeling
  • Can be combined with liposuction


Treatment areas:

Renuvion® is especially great for arms and neck, but treatment areas may include one or more of the following spots.





Renuvion Arms & Lipo Before and After


Before & After Neck J-Plasma Treatment





Any beauty questions?


Please contact Estrella Aesthetics & Surgical Arts at (951) 272-4455
 to coordinate your virtual consultation.


2550 Tuscany St. Suite 103 Corona, CA 92881