Dr. Diaz is creating hott bodies all month long! Book your consultation today 🌞








Chin Lipo


with Dr. María Diaz




starting at $4,900


Unlock a more defined profile with our expert chin liposuction.


Click here to view before and after (discretion is advised)



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Lipo 360 + Vaser HD


with Dr. María Diaz




starting at $8,900
(Reg. $12,000)


Experience a comprehensive body
contouring solution with Lipo 360.


Click here to view before and after (discretion is advised)




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Arm Lipo + Renuvion skin tightening


with Dr. María Diaz




starting at $6,500
(Reg. $10,200)


When HD VASER liposuction is coupled with Renuvion® technology, several concern areas that were previously untreatable can now be contoured optimally.


Click here to view before and after (discretion is advised)




Book your appointment











Limited Quantities Are Available, Call Now To Book Your Appointment.

Please contact Estrella Aesthetics & Surgical Arts in Corona CA at (951) 272-4455 to coordinate your consultation.


2550 Tuscany St. Suite 103 Corona, CA 92881
